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Skip to contentScope: "Buy Flow" for Premier Business Plans, U.S. Wireless Services
Mission: Create the "Buy Flow" for AT&T Wireless Premier business clients, making it easy for affiliated company employees and their families to choose the right phone and plan at special savings.
Key Insight: AT&T's Premier program for affiliated corporate employees and their families provides brand extension opportunities for both the phone network and the employer. A "push-pull" strategy can be especially helpful in drawing attention to program benefits and then fulfilling employee expectations online. By creating "Personas" tailored to different Premier shoppers, a needs-driven, task-based dialogue can ensue.
Perspectives: 'SearchWrite did an outstanding job in understanding the needs and motivations of our corporate customers and their employees, anticipating questions and creating a content funnel that was the smoothest we'd ever seen." Patricia M. - AT&T Wireless Marketing